Pages from the recollections of a Spanish anarchist that cover his youth, the development of his libertarian ideals and his militant activities, the eruption of the revolution and the battle for the defence of Malaga, his going onto the Huete front and then onto Madrid, and finally the retirada and the road into exile.

Vicente (marked with an X) speaking at a gathering of militants in 1936 - Malaga.
Edited, Published and Produced by: Acracia Publications with the co-operation of Grupo Cultural de Estudios Sociales de Melbourne, July 2016. This publication is not subject to any copyright. We will only ask you to acknowledge its source should you wish to use any of its contents
This looks great, thanks!
This looks great, thanks! What's the deal with the two different author tags, Gutierrez and "Vicente Ruiz (hijo)"?
These are the memoirs of
These are the memoirs of Vicente Ruiz Gutiérrez. His son Vicente Ruiz (hijo) edited them:
"I thought I knew my father’s life, as well as the horrendous hardships he had incurred. Upon reading those pages I realised there was a lot more to his life."
And we have to be grateful that they weren't destroyed:
"When I accidentally discovered what [my mother] was doing, due to the smell of burnt paper in the house, she responded by saying that the documents had to be destroyed because the fascists were coming."
This is in Australia. Probably over fifty years after they had escaped. Fucking heartbreaking.
Bonjour, Je viens de lire cet
Je viens de lire cet article. Je suis la nièce de Vicente Ruiz Guttierez, la cousine de Vicente fils, et la fille de Paco Ruiz. J habite en France et je serais très heureuse de retrouver mon cousin. Pourriez vous m indiquer comment le contacter. Merci. Beaucoup de souvenirs sont remontés à la surface et j ai tres bien connu mon oncle quand il habitait à Beni Saf avec mes parents.
Kate Sharpley wrote: These
Kate Sharpley
thanks very much that clarification. Please see the post above as well, I hope you can put Amelie in touch with her cousin
Wonderful historical
Wonderful historical recollection of one of the most traumatic episodes of the war and the disgraceful neglect and sabotage of the defence of Malaga and its people.
Comment faire pour avoir une
Comment faire pour avoir une adresse, un site internet ou autre pour pouvoir le contacter. Merci